About praktisk.ai

Our vision is to help companies to understand and make use of Machine Learning and AI in real-word applications.

AI/ML can be hard to get started with, but with some help along the way we can help you finding the many simply solvable challenges existing in all companies.

The best part is that many problems can be solved very quickly by the help of standardized cloud services provided by companies like AWS or Google.

We can help you through your entire ai journey: from the first step into the AI world, to define and implement large scale AI-projects.

The site you are currently visiting (praktisk.ai) is our collection of everything interesting within practical artificall intelligence and machine learning.


The following persons write more or less regularly on this site:

Torbjörn Stavenek LinkedIn

AI-architect. IT-architect. Entrepreneur.

Andreas Vallberg LinkedIn

AI-architect. IT-architect. Entrepreneur.


To get in touch with us, use LinkedIn or send an email to info @ praktisk . ai